Final Presentations

The day to present is here. all the groups gathered to showcase their final projects they'd been working on over the past few weeks. we all got the chance to walk around and view everyones work. there was a few that stood out to me, that I thought did a good job with their project. A group made a interactive learning game about a farm. in which, you learn about maths and do counting problems involving counting animals. it was a simple and fun game with really nice visuals. it was perfect fro a young child to go with a parent. another game that stood out to me was a twine narrative storytelling game, that you clicked what option you wanted which led you to many different fates. I like the idea of this game as the multiple endings to the game make it interesting and fun to see how many different outcomes you can get. looking at these games gave me a good insight into everyones creative thinking, and looking at my own game was a good comparison. for our game I think we could of ...