time strategies

This week is all about time management, and how we deal under stress and when we have deadlines to meet. Our college timetable is busy and needs to be kept up with, it is important that we keep on top of our work load and not to let it get too intense. 

The best way to do this is to prioritize, make sure the bigger assignments are getting looked at, chipping away at them slowly so nothing piles up. It is always important to make sure the smaller assignments are not neglected, it's all about balance. 

I read some of the articles provided for us, to name a few, https://hbr.org/2016/07/how-to-beat-procrastination - 'How to Beat Procrastination' by Caroline Webb and https://www.canva.com/learn/time-management/ - 'Time management Tips just for Creatives' by Amanda Oliver. Webb talks about how our brains are wired to procrastinate, avoiding the inevitable and putting off our work. One tip i picked up n his her advice to picture how good it'll be to have it all done, which is something we all love to picture, so why not let it motivate us! Amanda Oliver talks of ways to increase your creative output, prioritizing your energy, save the best for last, take breaks and disconnect after work and to work with purpose! all of which I will be taking on board for this year of college and in any other working environment.


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